Afexco Ltd
Value Unique to Afexco
Our Story
AFEXCO LTD is a registered Co-operative Society established by the retired Officers of all the three Defence Services at Pune on 18th Sept.1972. This venture was started by our founding fathers, viz. Col G S Parab, MC, Lt Col S S Pandit and Maj K L Shinde to give self-sufficiency in employment to our retiring comrades from the armed forces.
The Society aims at providing gainful employment to retired commissioned Officers and Ex-Servicemen of Army, Navy and Air Force. As on today we have 100 Security Contracts and 8 Housekeeping Contracts and 10 Transport Contracts. The honesty, integrity, loyalty, excellence, trust and discipline have been the hallmark in all the contract places, where our Security guards are performing duties. Because of this unique quality of our Security organisation, there is an ever increasing demand for our services irrespective of the extra expenditure involved. The financial position of the Society is sound and the society is being awarded 'A' classification by the State Government auditors regularly.